Turning Red (2022). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, Canada
Release year: 2022
Genre: animation, fantasy, drama, comedy, adventure, family
Tagline: «Growing Up is a Beast»
Runtime: 01:39:41
Languages: English
Director: Domee Shi
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Toronto, Canada, 2002. Trying to juggle her burgeoning independence and the family's expectations is about to become even more complicated when 13-year-old high-achiever Mei Lee makes an eye-opening discovery.

And as her hyperactive teenage hormones kick in, having a mind of their own, Mei's emotions also take on a life of their own: whenever she gets too stressed or excited about something, Mei triggers a strange, radical metamorphosis.

Can Mei Lee endure puberty and the growing pains of growing up, or will she keep turning red?

Turning Red

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Video quality — 1920 x 1036 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 39 minutes

Cartoon frames

Turning Red

Turning Red

Turning Red

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