The Iron Giant (1999). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, Denmark
Release year: 1999
Genres: cartoon, science fiction, action, comedy, adventure, family
Tagline: «It came from outer space!»
Runtime: 01:29:58
Languages: English
Director: Brad Bird
Age recommendation: 0+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Residents of a quiet American town witness a blinding flash and the fall of a huge object. A few days later, a boy named Hogarth Hughes finds in the vicinity a giant robot that flew to Earth from a distant outer galaxy.

Despite his menacing appearance, the alien guest turns out to be the kindest creature. A true friendship develops between him and the brave boy. But the government and military, who learned about the existence of the robot, decided to destroy the alien. Hogarth is the only one who can save the steel giant.

The Iron Giant

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Video quality — 1920 x 800 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 29 minutes

Cartoon frames

The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant

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