The Croods: A New Age (2020). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA
Release year: 2020
Genres: cartoon, fantasy, comedy, adventure, family
Tagline: «The future ain't what it used to be»
Runtime: 01:35:14
Languages: English
Director: Joel Crawford
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Such charismatic heroes as members of the Croods clan simply cannot sit still.

They boldly go towards the most dizzying adventures and are ready to respond with unpredictability and resourcefulness to any challenge of fate.

The Croods: A New Age

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Video quality — 1920 x 816 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 35 minutes

Cartoon frames

The Croods: A New Age

The Croods: A New Age

The Croods: A New Age

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