The Bad Guys (2022). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, UK
Release year: 2022
Genres: cartoon, action, comedy, crime, adventure, family
Tagline: «Good is No Fun at All»
Runtime: 01:40:07
Languages: English
Director: Pierre Perifel
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


The world has never seen such skilled adventurers: the clever pickpocket Mr. Wolf, the experienced safe cracker Mr. Snake, the cold-blooded master of disguise Mr. Shark, the hot-tempered and muscular Mr. Piranha, and the witty top-class hacker Miss Tarantula.

However, even the smartest criminals sometimes make mistakes. To escape prison, gang leader Mr. Wolf is forced to take extreme measures: the «Bad Guys» must change for the better. Or pretend? But when a new villain threatens the city, can Mister Wolf convince the others to truly become... the good guys?

The Bad Guys

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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 40 minutes

Cartoon frames

The Bad Guys

The Bad Guys

The Bad Guys

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