Kung Fu Panda (2008). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, UK
Release year: 2008
Genres: cartoon, fantasy, action, comedy, adventure, family
Tagline: «Prepare for awesomeness.»
Runtime: 01:32:09
Languages: English
Director: Mark Osborne
Age recommendation: 0+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


The salvation of the Valley of Peace and all its inhabitants from the invincible and ruthless master Tai Lung must fall on the shoulders of the Dragon Warrior, Chosen among the best of the best, who becomes... the clumsy, lazy and eternally hungry panda Po.

He faces a long and difficult path to the heights of kung fu skill, side by side with the legendary warriors: Tiger, Monkey, Mantis, Viper and Crane. Po will understand the secret of the ancient Scroll and become a Dragon Warrior only if he can believe in himself...

Kung Fu Panda

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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 32 minutes

Cartoon frames

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda

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