Hilda and the Mountain King (2021). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: UK, USA, Canada
Release year: 2021
Genres: cartoon, fantasy, drama, comedy, adventure, family
Runtime: 01:24:40
Languages: English
Director: Andy Coyle
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


11-year-old Hilda grew up in a house in the middle of the mountains until she, her mother Joanne and the fox Twigg had to move to the town of Trollberg, where she met other various mythological creatures.

«The Mountain King» is a full-length continuation of the series «Hilda», in the finale of which the main character turned into a troll.

The adventures of Hilda and her friends are based on the series of children's books by Luke Pearson, the screenwriter of Adventure Time, who created a cozy world where curious teenagers meet characters from the Scandinavian bestiary.

Hilda and the Mountain King

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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 24 minutes

Cartoon frames

Hilda and the Mountain King

Hilda and the Mountain King

Hilda and the Mountain King

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