For content copyright holders

The Multiteka website is publicly accessible to all Internet users and operates in compliance with the current legislation.

The site contains text and graphic materials describing various cartoons for children, as well as links to external resources that are freely available on the Internet, where Internet users can watch or download these video materials. The resource administration does not monitor compliance with copyright by third parties and is not responsible for information posted on third-party resources.

The site is always open for cooperation with copyright holders. If you are the owner of exclusive property rights, including:

  • exclusive right of reproduction;
  • exclusive right of distribution;
  • exclusive right of public display;
  • exclusive right to communicate to the public

and your rights are violated in one way or another through the use of the above links to third-party resources on the site, we ask you to immediately notify us of this fact.

According to the current norms of the legislation, the site administration is ready to consider controversial issues within the framework of a pre-trial (claim or other) settlement procedure.

To do this, we ask you to send us a letter electronically, providing the following information:
1. Documentary evidence of your rights to copyrighted material:

  • scanned document with stamp
  • email from the official email domain of the copyright holder’s company with a link to title documents, or
  • other information that allows you to uniquely identify you as the copyright holder of this material

2. Direct link to a site page that allegedly contains data that in any way affects copyright infringement
3. Full name of the sender of the claim, as confirmation of his responsibility for submitting information.

Your complaint will be reviewed without fail within a period not exceeding 5 (five) working days and a response will be provided indicating the actions that will be taken (removing a link to an external resource, replacing a link with one provided by the copyright holder, deleting a page from the site).

Claims and complaints from copyright holders are accepted by email [email protected]