Dinosaur (2000). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, Japan
Release year: 2000
Genres: cartoon, fantasy, drama, adventure, family
Tagline: «Discover a world you've only imagined»
Runtime: 01:21:59
Languages: English
Directors: Eric Leighton, Ralph Zondag
Age recommendation: 12+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


The journey of a three-ton iguanodont named Aladar, who was awakened from his egg by a tribe of lemurs and accidentally reunited with his own kind. Due to fiery meteorites destroying the landscape and a lack of water in disappearing reservoirs, dinosaurs found themselves in a race for survival, where their main enemy was time.

Aladar makes an enemy in the heartless leader Kron when he stands up for defenseless animals in a herd rushing headlong. Faced with dangers such as sudden landslides and attacking Carnotaurs, Aladar and his new friends must overcome incredible odds before finding a new home in a beautiful valley.


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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 21 minutes

Cartoon frames




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