Select a cartoon by age and other parameters

It is quite difficult for parents, young or having their first child, to navigate the variety of cartoons, and, accordingly, find an interesting cartoon that matches the child’s age and interests.

Queries on Google «Download an interesting cartoon» or «Watch an interesting cartoon», as a rule, lead to very vague results...

But we simplified this task — we implemented a system for selecting a cartoon based on the most basic parameters:

  • according to the child's age
  • country of origin of the cartoon
  • by cartoon rating (based on IMDb rating)
  • cartoon genre

All these parameters work in multi-select mode — when you select one parameter, the others are adjusted. This way you can narrow your search to the maximum and will probably know exactly what cartoon your child will watch today!

Ready to find an interesting cartoon?

  • By tags:

  • By genre: