Cars 3 (2017). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, Japan
Release year: 2017
Genres: cartoon, comedy, adventure, family, sports
Tagline: «From this moment, everything will change.»
Runtime: 01:42:25
Languages: English
Director: Brian Fee
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Meet the most famous racer of all time, race track legend Lightning McQueen!

The hero still continues to show the best results in all tournaments, but victories do not come so easily to him, and the competition is becoming tougher.

Exciting adventures await Lightning McQueen, where he will meet new friends and also understand that it is not only speed and engine power that make a racer a champion.

Cars 3

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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 42 minutes

Cartoon frames

Cars 3

Cars 3

Cars 3

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