Balto (1995). Cartoon

rating: 5


Country of origin: USA, UK
Release year: 1995
Genres: cartoon, drama, adventure, family, history
Tagline: «Part Dog. Part Wolf. All Hero»
Runtime: 01:17:37
Languages: English
Director: Simon Wells
Age recommendation: 6+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Half husky, half wolf, Balto himself doesn’t know who he really is. A persecuted tramp in the icy wilderness of Alaska. Only his friends the Russian polar goose Boris, the bear cubs Mack and Lak and the beautiful husky Jenna are sure that although he is not like everyone else, a noble heart beats in his chest.

One day a misfortune happens. A diphtheria epidemic swept through the children of a small village, and a fierce blizzard made all roads impassable. Only a dog team can travel six hundred miles through a blinding Arctic storm and bring life-saving medicine.

But the dogs lost their way somewhere in the frozen expanses. Now only Balto can find the team and save the children, and at the same time become a hero and a true legend!


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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 17 minutes

Cartoon frames




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