A Monster in Paris (2011). Cartoon

Un monstre à Paris

rating: 5


Country of origin: France
Release year: 2011
Genres: cartoon, science fiction, fantasy, melodrama, comedy, adventure, family, music
Runtime: 01:29:59
Languages: English
Directors: Bibo Bergeron
Age recommendation: 0+

Cartoon rating on IMDb


Paris, 1910. A terrible monster resembling a giant insect is striking fear throughout France.

A shy projectionist and a tireless inventor begin the hunt for him. In this pursuit, they meet a cabaret star, a mad scientist and his smart monkey, and, finally, the monster himself, who turns out to be not scary at all.

Now, as harmless as a flea, the monster seeks protection from his new friends from the harmful chief of the city police.

A Monster in Paris

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Video quality — 1920 x 1080 (Full HD)
Cartoon runtime —
1 hour 29 minutes

Cartoon frames

A Monster in Paris

A Monster in Paris

A Monster in Paris

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